iPurpose of Arr:

- To kill people on boats, and have fun while doing it. If given a chance, Arr loots them clean too. -Lord of the Winds, Arr

Arr goes out for it's first ever Wednesday Late Night run...the first in a newly started ritual. Here we see our Heroes hiding in wait.

Unfortunately, Keydrops happen quickly, so once again no actual fighting screenshot..This is what happens to those who fall into our traps. It just so happens this guy is a member of the Army of Thieves.. ( lots of bonus points..hehe)

I have no idea whatsoever as to what i was talking about here...

Our victim is allowed to gather his things after we res him. we even give him a set of recall regs in order to get home.

And here we see the same shot using the all names option.. We got two other kills that night..a chaos member, and some random guy... But for some reason i cant find any screenshots..( i was feeling lazy that night).