iPurpose of Arr:

- To kill people on boats, and have fun while doing it. If given a chance, Arr loots them clean too. -Lord of the Winds, Arr

The Arr guild went out with a sick plan in mind...The night before Tuna had declared the night's guild event to be Arr's first ever "Naked Night Out" And because of this all the guild and friends of the guild who went, went and put away their clothes.. Tuna is the only one who scammed his way out of it.. he used a loophole by wearing bone legs plate arms and a gorget.. got 16 ar out of it without being clothed..

The Killing style of the night was declared to be faction killing, and so our Naked ship of pirates went off in the direction of Magincia. Tuna dissapeared and was replaced by the True Brit known as "Steele" ( i wonder why they are never seen in the same place at the same time). Everyone else on the ship hides. Only Steele remains visible, and they sail around the island. Stopping at magincia bank...of course a Council of Mages member decides to jump onto Steeles ship.

.. And Like Always, Steele steers the ship out to sea, and the evil factioner kills him. But as soon as they sail out of the guardzone, our heroes attack the unsuspecting factioner! .. and poor Steele is left to watch it all in black and white..

After the guild decides to call it a night, and after they tried their luck in various places, Tuna takes a couple members to the new house and friends them. But what is this?!?! Apparently Holbrook got confused as to what "Night Out" it was that tuna had arranged, and he shows up clothed..but very disturbingly..