iPurpose of Arr:

- To kill people on boats, and have fun while doing it. If given a chance, Arr loots them clean too. -Lord of the Winds, Arr

After cruising the seas and finding noone, the Pirates of "Arr" decide to bring people to them. A friend to the guild has taken a ship key into the city and gets himself killed with it. The Pirates are all waiting in the "Circle of Death", or COD position.

The victim steps right into the trap and finds himself the one at the receiving end.

Once again the infernal horse gets in the way, oh well..little space to fight on a ship.

After much "Arr"ing, the pirates realize that the ghost is stuck on the ship.

The compassionate Pirates of Arr, get the victim back on his feet, and allow him to critique their actions.

The Pirates ask a couple questions of their own, in an attempt to learn how to better serve their future guests.

Instead of complaining and asking for his stuff back, the man just expresses his sense of awe at the incredible speed of his death. And even asks if he can join the Mighty Pirates of Arr. We eventually convince him he can't join us.