iLegends of Arr:

- These are the Heroes of Arr. Not all of them are members of our guild, but they are what we should aspire to be. Arr members who earn a spot on this page are to be given more power within the guild, and more of a say in guild policies. Non-members who attain spots on this board, are given an honorary Arr membership, and are to be given the same respect and courtesy as our own members. Anyone who kills a nonguildmember who has attained a spot on this page, will be dealt with by the Guildmaster, and a council of Arr members. -Lord of the Winds, Arr


Eval is not a member of Arr, but he has helped our guild on many occasions. He is a skilled Mage, and was the first to get a kill off of our Target list. In this Photo, you can see Eval standing over the corpse of Duncan Macleod.
Targets Killed: Duncan Macleod.

Phantom Lord, Arr

Phantom Lord is a member of Arr, and was one of the first to go red. These Pictures are of Phantom Lord's killings of Smeaval and Bee, two of Sosaria's more despicable creatures. These are people that will only shut up when they are face down in the dirt with a blade pinning them to the ground.
Targets Killed: Bee, Smeaval.

Dirty Dave, The Deceiver Axe, B*D

In our war against AoD/DoA, both sides have lost members, and have taken heavy statloss. One of the most selfless kills was the killing of Mr. Crowley by B*D's own Dirty Dave. Dirty Dave gave his life, and skill points in order to kill Mr. Crowley, the leader of AoD/DoA. Dirty Dave rushed in head first and was able to kill Crowley in the midst of a group of AoD. Seconds after Crowley fell dead, Dirty Dave took a dirt nap himsllf. This is one truly honorable action, and earns Dirty Dave a spot on this page, and an Honorary Arr membership. To those of you who don't understand why this is such an inspirational action, remember that statloss reds permanently lose a portion of their skill points. And to give his life and skill points in order to kill an enemy who will lose nothing, that is real courage, and brings honor upon not only himself, but his guild, and upon the entire Murderer's Alliance.
Targets Killed: Mr. Crowley.

Tool, E*C

While talking to the mayor of Corwyn and discussing her towns biased stance towards The Murderer's Alliance, Holmes got a message that the Rumhouse was under attack, and hearing this he jumped a gate and was on his way. When Holmes arrived he was greated by the corpses of numerous E*C members, he was unable to remember them there were so many cluttering the floor. When he stepped inside he sensed there were others present so a quick detect hidden showed him that the killers were still there. ApC was their guild. With in a couple moments E*C had regrouped and came back to claim their guildhouse. It was blue against blue, and sinse the Rumhouse was public, all the E*C blues had to take counts. After a bit of a squirmish, AoD showed up, along with some members of DoA. Mr. Crowley was with them as well. The small band of E*C, along with a member of Arr and Holmes from B*D, attacked the intruders and tried to keep them from the rumhouse. Unfortunately noone was friended so it was pure suicide on the defenders part. Then L/V showed up, and jusdy who was friended was able to ban and thus turned the tide of battle. With Judy and Duncan ressing the defenders the Rumhouse was retaken, and Tool was able to kill Crowley with a bow. Ben Blackthumb also got a few hits in on him. Holmes was beaten down severely by an AoD member, but was later to get his revenge.
Targets Killed: Mr. Crowley.

(in order to gain a spot on this board, you must have screenshots of you standing over the corpse of your kill. all names must be on screen too. - Tuna)